Reputation Management is easier than you think. Have negative content written about you? Need to push that content down on Google? Then you have come to the right place.
Having bad content about you or your company on the first page of Google can hurt your business. The way the Internet works is people believe just about anything they read. It doesn’t matter what the website the content is on or how crazy it sounds. People just get drawn to negative words. As the negative content gets more clicks and more people read about it or comment about it, the strong it becomes.
Another bad thing that happens is when words like “scam” or “complaint” start showing in Google Suggestions (when you start typing in the Google search box and words start appearing). Again, people get drawn to the negative keywords.
Another reputation management video
Steps to get rid of bad content on the first page of Google:
- Create Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn accounts and start building backlinks towards them
- Take the good links that already exist on page 1 Google and start building backlinks to them’
- You can create 1 or 2 WordPress blogs with the keyword as the domain name and that will move up quickly. Optimize the WordPress blogs for SEO
- Start writing content on all of your web properties. Unique content is very important, cannot copy content
- Write press releases and distribute them through PRWeb or other services
This is a very standard way to start your own reputation management. The key is to dominate page 1 Google with your own content onĀ your own websites. How much content should you write? More the better, but if you want an exact number… try to post at least 3-5 blog posts per week per site. Each blog post doesn’t have to be long, it could be a couple sentences.